Food distribution 2.July.2021

Food distribution 2.July.2021

We distributed food materials to Premametta coaching students and staff on 2 July 2021.They live in a islated land because of the caste system. They are called “Maha Dalit”. Their status is the lowest according to the caste system.Their lives were...

Food distribution on 8 May 2021

  The school is closed again and we can’t give school lunch to our students. And also the number of people infected with COVID19 is increasing, then there are many people who are struggling to live as Bihar is now on lockdown. Therefore we planed to...

Our school started on 1st March.2021

One week has passed since the school reopened last week. We are following the guidelines set by the government such as checking temparetures, washing hands and gargle, sanitizing classrooms and more Two classes, UKG and Nursery were not yet allowed to start, so we...
School start 1 March 2021!

School start 1 March 2021!

We are finally able to reopen school on March 1, although it is a partial reopening. There are some restrictions, such as halving the number of students per class depending on the number of students, but since Prema Metta School has a small number of students,...