In the spring of 2019, 2023, and 2024, Prema Metta School was the host for overseas workshops by a Japanese non-profit organization “Les Worlds “ three times in total, and students of Prema Metta School participated in the program.
Thanks to this, they had the valuable experiences.
When I asked graduates about their memories of school life, some of them answered, “Participating in Les Worlds’ workshops.” I was happy to know that.
School is not just a place to learn using textbooks. It is a place to experience various things and grow. I hope that it will be a place where they can create “memories” that will give them energy and courage when they have a hard time in their long lives.
Now, they and we are working hard so that these children can meet their beloved older brothers and sisters at Les Worlds and go to Japan.
This fall, Les World will be offering a project called “The One.”
This project invites children from orphanages or slums around the world to Japan and creates a stage with children of different races, religions, eye colors, and skin colors.
Two graduates from Prema Metta School were selected from India.
They are Sonam and Manu.
They belong to the lowest scheduled caste. They are in the minor caste category and it is usually very difficult for them to obtain a passport. There are various complicated and incomprehensible regulations, such as the requirement that both parents must have a passport.
Prema Metta School acts as a guarantor so that they can participate in this project and supports all the procedures necessary for applying for a passport including the parents ‘s passports.The parents have been practicing writing their names over and over again so that they can sign at the passport center.
In this day and age, the world is still in a state where it is difficult to even apply for a passport.
Luckily they all received the passports, the next step is to apply for a visa.
Returning to talk about the project, they will be performing on stage at Kanagawa Prefectural Music Hall in Japan on September 27th.
We will let you know when the two children have successfully obtained their visas, so please support Premametta Children.